Friday, August 6, 2010

2nd day working on small works of art

Good morning! Wow, I had to clean up the table before I got started this morning. I taped down the papers with the dried backgrounds and started painting some new ones, too! I have begun adding fun and colorful effects on the small papers! I would image this project will keep me busy all weekend while the rain is in town....I should stay out of trouble then!
I did get some positive feedback on restarting the assignments as many members created wonderful paintings from the inspiring words of Betsy Dillard Stroud.
So who wants to pull the next 3 cards from their decks and send me the results.......?? I will post th new updated assignment!

1 comment:

  1. karen, Im excited about drawing the next assignment for WMAAG
    Here it is!!
    (they seem to be good ones!)
    Doors of Awareness #9
    Windows of Opportunity#11
    Circles of Growth#25
    Happy creating!
