Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wet-into-Wet Painting morning

Today is a "Wet-into-Wet" morning and it sure was fun! After it dries I will create small flower images and may cut this sheet into 18 small paintings! We will see how brave I am at the end of the night!
The 4 small stamped flower painting that was on the table yesterday morning were gobbled up by adoring fans yesterday staff... so I started some more last night and hope they make it to First Fridays...!!
Today I'm having lunch with my brother, Gary (who recently retired from his teaching career) and Mom--I am showing Gary the process of checking Mom out of Sunrise and all the codes and alarm codes!! Poor Mommy - she needs a lot of help, but is so sweet and happy! Happy to break out of Sunrise anytime she can leave!
Tomorrow I take my "Ancient Purple Ruins" painting to ASU-West Fletcher Library for the AWA National Exhibition hanging and I'm so thrilled to be juried into this exhibition and it is a real honor to be in the national show...really!! I heard that the juror, Frank Webb, received around 775 painting images and he choose 75 paintings, so this is really big for me...for me it is my first national show! My painting will hang for 6 weeks and I would imagine a lot of people will get to see it at the library, so that is exciting, too!
I've been thinking about the art assignment and I will start it tonight! I'll get some photos of my ideas and post them soon!


  1. Way to go Karen!
    Kim and I are delivering out paintings to the show tomorrow morn also1 See you there!We will be early as we are going to go check out the Phoenix Banner Hospital lobby as we are both doing shows there. Mine is Sept-Nov and Kims in Feb-Mar.
    congrats, I love your little paintings.
    I am starting my Mwaag painting this morning.
    cool blue shadow colors for mental, very restful,-bright light on figures for spiritual, and dark black for physical strength. Im jazzed! Its gonna be on a 30x40 canvas

  2. Carole....Carole----is that you??? Acrylic?? Cool blue, bright light, and black on a 30x40 canvas?? Where is Carole?? Bring her back!!! She has jumped off into the world of Abstract and is not returning!!!

    Good for you!!! Abstract Carole!!

  3. not an abstract but certainly having fun with shapes and acrylics!
